开云在线注册,开云(中国)教授,西南交通大学管理学博士,成都市政府目标绩效考评创新项目评估专家,入选首批全国万名优秀创新创业导师人才库,成都绿色低碳发展研究基地负责人,中国国际工程咨询协会四川中心主任,四川省装备行业协会科学劳动实践教育专业委员会主任委员。长期从事风险预测与管控、企业财务、公司治理、企业管理与营销等方面研究工作,主持主研国家级、省部级、地厅级课题10余项。截至2023年3月共发表SCI/SSCI学术论文20余篇,其国内外期刊包括《Renewable Energy》、《Resources Policy》、《Gondwana Research》、《International Journal of Finance & Economics》、《Finance Research Letters》、《Economic Analysis and Policy》、《International Review of Financial Analysis》、《International Review of Economics & Finance》和《预测》等。并担任《Quantitative Finance》、《Energy Economics》、《Journal of Forecasting》、《International Review of Financial Analysis》、《Finance Research Letters》等SSCI期刊匿名审稿人。
[1]Chen, Z., Umar, M., Su, C.-W., Mirza, N., 2023. Renewable energy, credit portfolios and intermediation spread: Evidence from the banking sector in BRICS. Renewable Energy 208, 561-566 (JCR, Q1)
[2]Chen Z, Liang C, Umar M. Is investor sentiment stronger than VIX and uncertainty indices in predicting energy volatility?[J]. Resources Policy, 2021, 74: 102391. (JCR, Q1)
[3]Chen Z, Zhang L, Weng C. Does climate policy uncertainty affect Chinese stock market volatility?[J]. International Review of Economics & Finance, 2023, 84: 369-381. (JCR, Q2)
[4]Chen Z, Ye Y, Li X. Forecasting China's crude oil futures volatility: New evidence from the MIDAS-RV model and COVID-19 pandemic[J]. Resources Policy, 2022, 75: 102453. (JCR, Q1)
[5]Chen Z, Mirza N, Huang L, Umar M. Green Banking—Can Financial Institutions support green recovery?[J]. Economic Analysis and Policy, 2022, 75: 389-395. (JCR, Q1)
[6] Liu J,Chen Z(corresponding author). How do stock prices respond to the leading economic indicators? Analysis of large and small shocks[J]. Finance Research Letters, 2023, 51: 103430. (JCR, Q1)
[7]Liu, M.,Chen, Z. (corresponding author), Sowah, J.K., Ahmed, Z., Kirikkaleli, D., 2023. The dynamic impact of energy productivity and economic growth on environmental sustainability in South European countries. Gondwana Research 115, 116-127 (JCR, Q1)